| I seem to be doing a lot of fiddling with file formats these days... if
you have a reasonably short example (eg less than 1MByte), you can send
it to me as an email attachment (try zipping it with Winzip first), and
I will take a long hard look at it...
and yes, converting to WAVE might well be a useful thing to do, if you
are running a PC.
Richard Dobson
PS SOX cannot always be trusted. The version that came with my Redhat
5.2 Linux system puts a chunk size in the initial FORM part of the AIFF
header that is larger than the overall file size!
Jim Smitherman wrote:
> I can't get sndinfo to read any of the files in, no matter how I try the
> command line as given in the help file, I get for instance
> C:\Csound\SoundIn>csound -U sndinfo test BOSEN mf A0 st
> DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.97
> Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994
> Failed to find DB file
> I don't have 'sox' . .
> this is very frustrating. would simply changing the aif files to wav files
> be a good thing I wonder?
Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/rwd (LU: 19th May 1999) |