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Date1998-09-22 18:12
From"Vercoe, Scotty"
I know many of you are anxious for a new software release.  As some of
you know, much of the work is being done in India.  I have received news
that the new 32-bit .dll and .vxd are stable.  This means that we only
have to do some testing before distributing.  If anyone is interested in
being a part of this, please let me know.

Thanks for your patience,
Scotty Vercoe
XTCsound Applications Consultant
Analog Devices Software & Systems Technology Division
Tel: (781) 461-3569       FAX: (781) 461-4291
Support: Csound.support@analog.com
Website: http://www.analog.com/support/systems/audio/csound.html