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The Csound Front Page

Date1998-11-20 07:06
From"Dr. Richard Boulanger"
SubjectThe Csound Front Page
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The Csound Book is coming (MIT Press tell me - June 4, 1999),
but today the Csound FrontPage has arrived!

With preliminary input from the Csound Faq Team of Rasmus Ekman
, Marc Resibois  and tolve
 plus the blessings and selected bits from Martin Dupras'
Csound Page and the hundreds of hours of html design and programming plus
much actual editing and authoring work of my most incredible and wonderful
assistant - Jacob Joaquin,  I proudly present to you

(I will brag even more about my assistant Jacob's work in Csound Sound
Design, Csound Tutorial Design and HTML Design as we get closer to
releasing the Csound Book.  A number of you have gotten to see the CD-ROM
he is building for the book at the recent ICMC and you can testify that he
is building a truly beautiful complement to the Book itself.)

At Present, our Csound Front Page is just a first step, but hopefully each
of you will find some part of it useful.  Jacob and I intend to continue
adding to it, developing it and most importantly... maintaining it.  Your
input and suggestions will be invaluable.  Please contribute and tell your
friends, colleagues, your societies and organizations  that this is THE
Csound Page to which they should be linked!

Yours Sincerely,

Richard Boulanger

p.s.  Thanks also to MIT Press for hosting the page and for their input
into it's design and content.

Dr. Richard Boulanger
Professor - Music Synthesis Department
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street  - Boston, MA  02215-3693
Office Phone: (617) 747-2485   Office Fax: (617) 536-2257
Email: radiobaton@earthlink.net
URL: http://home.earthlink.net/~radiobaton/