| Message written at 08 May 1998 10:03:38 +0100
--- Copy of mail to bertolt@earthlink.net ---
In-reply-to: <354CA263.38B98DC3@earthlink.net> (message from Bertolt Sobolik
on Sun, 03 May 1998 12:59:15 -0400)
References: <354CA263.38B98DC3@earthlink.net>
>>>>> "Bertolt" == Bertolt Sobolik writes:
Bertolt> k-rate amplitude values don't seem to work in wgflute. This orchestra
Bertolt> yields a 0 amp file. The max is around 23000 if iamp is substituted for
Bertolt> kamp in the call to wgflute
Yes; the k-rate amplitde was not taken into account at all stages, so
I can believe that there is a problem. I think I have it fixed but I
would like to test it a little more.
==John ffitch |