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DX7 emulator

Date1999-02-17 03:07
FromWayne Freno
SubjectDX7 emulator
I believe that a DX7 emulator for csound, 
containing all 32 algorithms
already exists.  Check out:


Sorry if I am mistaken, I just looked at the site, and 
didn't try it out.

end soundbite

Date1999-02-17 15:22
SubjectRe: DX7 emulator
>>>>> "Wayne" == Wayne Freno  writes:

 Wayne> I believe that a DX7 emulator for csound, 
 Wayne> containing all 32 algorithms
 Wayne> already exists.  Check out:

 Wayne> 	http://www.parnasse.com/dx72csnd.shtml

 Wayne> Sorry if I am mistaken, I just looked at the site, and 
 Wayne> didn't try it out.

Note this is the work of Russell Pinkston, as completed by Jeff
Harrington.  Russell's work on this has not been adequately