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re:Looking for drums:Gongs!

Date1999-09-02 19:58
FromJosep M Comajuncosas
Subjectre:Looking for drums:Gongs!
>         Sorry to be so completely un-Csoundy, but all you folks trying to make
> analogue-synth-like drum sounds should really be using the program Stomper,
> available for free (...)

Well yes but Stomper is sample-based. With Csound you can get an analog
drum with
subtle timbral variations from note to note for example, and memory from
the previous state (more analog maybe?).
Not to say that it will work together with all your Csound-based
processing stuff ...
But if you like Stomper you can get my port of Stomper to Csound at
(also for free...)

though I should add some more functionality, it works exactly the same
way... ;-)

***What Id like to have is high quality emulations of creashes and
gongs as Csound instruments.Stomper is not for that.
Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75  08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN tel. 93 7792243
e-mail:          gelida@intercom.es
ET Informatica de Sistemes
e-mail: jcomajuncosas@campus.uoc.es