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Wrong list? /Re: Common Music/Stella help problem

Date1999-03-09 03:23
FromLarry Troxler
SubjectWrong list? /Re: Common Music/Stella help problem

I don't know how to solve your problem (you don't say which OS), but yo
are most certainly asking on the wrong list! This is the Csound list,
and you would be much better off either mailing Rick Taube directly, or
asking this on the cmdist list at Stanford.

Yes, I know, there have been a number of off-topic post to the csound
list about Common Music (I myself included), but IMHO once we get beyond
general advocacy issues and on to technical details, then it's
*definitely* time to post to the appropriate list :-)

> I'm checking out Common Music. I've just installed it and it seems to come
> up ok, but when I enter stella and try the "help help" command I get the
> following:
> Stella [Top-Level]: help help
> *** - MAKE-PATHNAME: illegal :DIRECTORY argument (:ABSOLUTE "commonmusic"
> "CM" "doc/dict")
> The following restarts are available:
> R1 = Return to Top-Level.
> R2 = Exit Top-Level.
> 1. Break> R1
> Anyone know what might be causing this?
> BTW, I am somewhat familiar with common lisp...
> Thanks,
> --mark

--  Larry Troxler --  lt@westnet.com  --  Patterson, NY USA  --