| Hello to all,
Yes, HPKComposer is alive. I have been busy finishing a new version,
thus there was no update since some months. I have worked hard for
implementing some of the fantastic new opcodes, and polishing the
software synthetizer design (it's realy more powerfull now). I have also
implemented a graphical editor for editing segments, and have developped
a complete VRML97 generation capability; now HPKComposer can realy be
used for generating 3D worlds where sounds produced by Csound are
spatialized, without any knowledge of Csound or VRML. A lot of bugs have
been corrected and I am tracking down the last. I have also implemented
a first level of MIDI interaction with the VRML world.
My main problem is finding time for writing the documentation, but if
people are ready to try it without documentation, I can put a preview
version rather soon. Tell me!
The requirement about using existing orc and sco is a good one. If this
only means loading text files and compile it, that's ok, but if it
implies tighter integration with VRML generation or the score generator
algorythms it's more complex. In fact I think that the current Csound
structure is not usable for building instrument library, because of the
lack of score parameters standardisation (what about amplitude,
pitch..). I understand the flexibility, but then it's more diificult to
build high level score genrerators. Maybe it should be possible to
standardize any instrument parameters like it is done in HPKComposer or
Silence: p4=pitch, p5=amplitude... even if they are not used in the
instrument. Another area I have found frustrating is the function
definition approach. The definition should be in the instrument not in
the score, so you can use any instrument anywhere without thinking about
the function number. I know this is using more memory, but this is no
more an issue now.
Csound is realy great and the works produced by people on the list and
made freely available is oustanding, and even more important they
continue to challenge themselves for improving it.Please don't stop.....
jean-pierre lemoine http://hplank.inetpc.com |