| >Hello All,
dr!nk !n dze najm ov dze maSSes = dze mult!tud = shall kroun u
> We have a great programming language (getting better all the time)
>which gives nearly unlimited technical ability in the composition of music.
>We have the machines capable of rendering these programs to sound files. The
>question then becomes, what to compose. What are your compositional
>attitudes, approaches or techniques?
>What direction has inspiration sent
zoftnesz !n d!sz.arra!
>What are your plans for the future?
plan - tak!ng 1 ztand aga!nzt dze pazt
plan = 1 objekt ov 1 pazt
>One has to wonder what
>truly new direction we will take.
One has to wonder what we
all progress = takez plasz at dze per!fer!
>It's up to us to decide,
u.s ... decide,
>we are presently
we are .... +?
dze va!n buztle ov dze ztreet
>the future of music.
0+0 l!f 4rm = l!vd !n futur + 0+0 l!f 4rm
= l!vd !n dze pazt. all wh!ch 1 = kan knou =
>I am curious to see your comments.
you are curious to see your comments
>I am curious to see your comments.
you are curious to see your comments
>I am curious to see your comments.
you are curi ou p f +?
>Michael Rhoades
dze va!n buztle ov dze ztreet
dze ruztl!ng ov sheetz
le grand jeu
u.s ... decide,
To: Netochka NEZVANOVA
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The jury of the Concours 99 is pleased to announce that your software
nebula m81 was selected for the first prize in the category of logiciels
multimédia (4).
The jury had some suggestions for your softwares:
nebula m81: A tutorial with more detail and on-line help would be desirable.
We will be contacting you after the festival for the adminstration and prize
The Jury
Dominique Begue, Thierry Demougin, Giovanni de Poli, Tom Erbe, Hugues
Genevois, François Giraudon, James Harley, Serji Jorda, Alain Mangenot.