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[ANNOUNCE] linux csound 3.484.0d

Date1998-08-19 08:39
FromNicola Bernardini
Subject[ANNOUNCE] linux csound 3.484.0d
The 3.484.0d version of linux csound is available from the AIMI server


in binary form (dynamically linked), binary form w/o X11 support (dynamically
linked) and source form.

This version is a fairly stable form of the canonical 3.484 sources
that has been built to run on both libc5 and libc6 (glibc) systems
and now has AIFC (floating point AIFF) support, thanks to jpff who
immediately provided the missing aifc.c file. A problem that still
persists is the one advertised also in 3.484.0c, which (sometimes) occurs
with MIDI - csound exits with a message 'can't get termios info' coming
from a tcgetattr() call; we will all appreciate very much anybody that
will want to or can help in solving this.

Anything advertised for the canonical 3.484 is there.

Dave Phillips and Damien Miller gave a great contribution in getting
this one out the door.

Nicola Bernardini
E-mail: nicb@axnet.it
Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words -- but only those to describe
the picture.  Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described
with pictures.