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csound 3.51 PPC (fwd)

Date1999-01-28 00:18
From"Matt J. Ingalls"
Subjectcsound 3.51 PPC (fwd)
it's here!! what youve all been waiting for! get one now!
everyone has one! dont be left in the dust! and did i mention:
its FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(note the 2 big bug fixes)
	Csound for Power Macintosh
This Version: 
	fFitch code base	3.51
	Perf "engine"		3.51
	Csound "front end"  1.1.3
Available From:
  or:	ftp://mills.edu/ccm/csound.ppc/CsoundPPC3.51.sit.hqx
changes from 3.494
 (3.50 was never released)
- Upgraded source to 3.51
- Incuded Sndwarp bug fix by Karpen
- Fixed diskin default params bug
    reported by Maurizio Giri
Front End:
- nil
Please email bugs to csound-dev@mills.edu