| Hello,
I've been lurking (is that the term?!) on both the Csound list and the
Unix dev list for
quite a while now - with this announcement I have a reason to introduce
myself. I'm a student of communications and computer sciences in my
second year. I'm generally interested in (contemporary
"classical", Jazz, ...) music (I play the saxophone), Computers/Linux
and particularly in sound
sythesis, digital signal processing and things of the like. So far so
far :).
The reason I write: I have been using Linux Csound for about half a year
now and have always been discontent with the fact that it doesn't
support my soundcard's full-duplex feature (since card's not supported
the alsa driver - at least I don't know how to set it up). So I took a
weekend's time and hacked the relevant source code to enable duplex. I
don't believe it's perfect yet but I'd be very interested in the
experience of others who run a full-duplex card under OSS.
The changed/added source code can be found at
http://cs.tu-berlin.de/~kerstens (-> technician). I used Nicola
Bernardini's unofficial version, but the code should be easily
integrated in the official distribution.
In the near future there will also be found adaptions of the great
Csound Orc/Sco Emacs modes (by John Fitch) for XEmacs, if that is no
problem with the author. (?!)
PS: I hope this work hasn't been done before, please inform me if so.
contact [steve-k@gmx.net]