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Re: Rookie Reverb Question

Date1998-11-16 07:01
FromSean Costello
SubjectRe: Rookie Reverb Question
Charles Baker wrote:

> If you want go go to a classic  article:
> J.A. Moorer "About this Reverberation Business" from Computer Music Journal
> 3,2 (June 1979):13-28
> reprinted in Foundations of Computer Music, MIT Press.

A recent article by Jon Dattorro in the Journal of Audio Engineering
Society (sometime in 1997) had an in-depth analysis of a rather
complicated reverberation algorithm.  I believe that the algorithm is
similar to those used in Lexicon reverbs, which are reknowned for their
smooth sound. 

Another relevant article would be M. Schroeder, "Natural Sounding
Artificial Reverberation," in the July 1962 issue of the Journal of the
Audio Engineering Society, vol. 10, p.219.