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Proposal for a new version of Csound

Date1999-06-26 06:55
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectProposal for a new version of Csound
AttachmentsJavaCsound.java  JavaCsound.h  
>From time to time the list sees proposals for new versions of Csound. Here
is another one.

To summarize, the idea is to do a kernel rewrite of Csound that implements
the existing orchestra language, score language, commands, and behavior in a
shared library. Features include:

Completely platform-independent kernel written in ANSI C using only the
runtime library.
Double-precision signal processing.
Plugin unit generators.
Plugin function tables.
Truly reentrant code: not only restartable, but also multiply
Java interface that integrates with the JavaSound API.

The effect of these changes would be:

Csound would speed up (due to throwing out many a hack and taking a close
look at the kernel).
Csound would suppport realtime MIDI and audio input and output on all
platforms supporting JavaSound, without any additional work.
Csound would be usable as a component, like a Java Bean or ActiveX control.
Csound would become indefinitely extensible (due to plugin opcodes and

I have attached my design sketch of the Java interface and, for the curious,
the javah-generated C header file.

I wonder what the copyright and legal status of this effort would be?

If anyone is interested in working with me on this, email me.

Thank you.