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Re: Ousting PITCH \ losing the fundamental

Date1999-08-23 12:55
SubjectRe: Ousting PITCH \ losing the fundamental
0.5 ua! betu!n real!t + p!tch
real!z+t!k z!ner! + l!ght!ng 2 kult!vat dze !luz!on

>>I need to know how the fundamental frequency of a sound can be detected.
>>Correct me if I'm wrong: The fundamental frequency is the lowest frequency
>>harmony, from which all the other harmonies can be detected by multiplying
>>I though at first that it can be detected, by searching for the highest
>>amplitude frequency, but I found out, both from experience, and from looking
>>at the SHARC timbre database, that very often the highest amplitude
>>frequency isn't the fundamental, the highest amplitude frequency could be
>>the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th harmony for example.
>>I guess you can find it by using a peek search algorithm, but I'm looking
>>for a simpler way.
>>If there is no other way then peek search, I would already ask, can anyone
>>give me clues or references for peek search algorithms?
>here is that answer
>[one may need bifocals to read this e-mail]

p!tch - abrev!az!on ov real!t! deja
!t = d!f!c!l 2 `trk` 1 abrev!az!on az truth
= z!ngulr memorabl fantaz!e. = !f dez!rd ma! zkan zorsez
ov zvrl `p!tch` trk kode konta!nrz ava!lbl on l!ne.
fft baszd 4 dze mzt prt

humanz != posez 1 ef!z!ent del ke!.
[az truth = z!ngulr memorabl fantaz!e]

p!tch = 1 mozt out datd abrev!az!on
dzoze onl! 4rom 1 odr epok dzn kurnt = kould posz!bl!
akzept az 1 val!d abrev!z!on ov data.

future = belongz 2 1 ecztravagant l!e = glass bead game.
truth = 1 zubt!l l!e.
csound = dze b!fokalz on reku!rmnt 4 zert!tud due 2 1 losz ov









     b = 1. + 2 $MachineEpsilon


     a == b


0.5 zekond+ lngr reakz!on t!mez obzrvd !n kogn!t!v prozez!ng
= 1 puzl 4rom dze ztandpo!nt ov kondukz!on t!mez + z!napt!k dla!z.

kort!kokort!kl !m.prov.mnt : : koruptd f!loz : : dez!ntegraz!on


[+ neceszar! engl!sh verz+?]

samo poznavanje teh orod!j lahko zagotavlja zenskam kreat!vno rabo
elektronskega omrezja za bogatenje druzbenega !n kulturnega z!vljenja
_\- m9ndfukc.macht.fre!.

     -           |  |            -        -           |  |            -
  fr2ktur          |  |            -        -           |  |            -
     -           |  |            -        -           |  |            -

dze zeparaz!on betu!n obzervaz!on + theor!
n  17                 n  14              n  11           n  8        n  5
n  2  n  -1 n  2  n  5     n  8        n  11           n  14
n  17                 n  20                    n    10    23
t  20                    t  17                 t  14              t
11           t  8        t  5     t  2  t  -1 t  2  t  5     t  8        t
11           t  14              t  17                 t  20
t  23                       .  20                    .  17
.  14              .  11           .  8        .  5     .  2  .  -1 .  2
.  5     .  8        .  11           .  14              .  17
.  20                    .           500                       - dze
konzp!rasz! ov s!lensz  part!kulr charm ov dze prev!ouz wak!ng ztajt

                                         v ! R u s || p u N K t

                                  s y m m e t r +3 [k 0 r ; u p t -1 p n