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Re: Bugs in commandline v.3.54?

Date1999-06-02 08:14
SubjectRe: Bugs in commandline v.3.54?
I did not try with Winsound, but with Gavriel Maldonado's DirectCsound
the Visual Basic SHELL command works quite well. In fact I use it in my
WCShell program, with this code:
result = Shell(Arg$, 1)

where Arg$ may be, e.g.
"csound.exe -oanything.wav -W mtorc.orc myscore.sco"

A question: which version of Visual Basic are you using? (I use v.5.0,
and it's pretty stable)

Hans Tillaart wrote:
> Hi,
> I am making a program in VB (emulating DX7) where i use a SHELL- command
> to call Winsound or Csound . Never had difficulties with previous csound
> versions exept in the new version 3.54 .
> When i call Winsound it gives only the message : press ok. In Csound
> (dos) its gives
> back the error: failed to find DB file.
> Even wen i use CSOUNDER it gives these messages, but not always??!
> Now and then it works well!?? (not with my own program!)
> Can anybody help?
> Thanks in advance.
> Geetings Hans
* Scuola di Musica elettronica    *
* Conservatorio "S.Cecilia", Roma *
* prof. Riccardo Bianchini        *
*                                 *
* http://space.tin.it/musica/ilipc*