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Re: Help on using zak

Date1999-01-28 11:36
FromPedro Batista
SubjectRe: Help on using zak

>I' m porting some code from C to csound.
>Can anyone explain me the best way to perform with C array operations
>with zak ?
>I.e.  Suppose I want translate a cycle of this kind:
> for(j=0;j<15;j++)
>   c[i][j]=a[i]*b[(i-j)%15]

Well, since I've done this extensivelly, maybe I can offer some help

a for loop translates to this:


;inside the loop
;do what you gotta do

if (ki<15) kgoto loop

Of course you need a different label for each loop. For nested loops:


;inside nested loops

if (kj<15) kgoto loop2
if (ki<15) kgoto loop1

Now, arrays are more complicated. I deal with them like this:
Define start positions for each array. Careful, dont let them overlap

;float a[16], b[8], c[16][8];
iastart = 0
ibstart = iastart+16
icstart = ibstart+8
iend = icstart + 16*8

....then to read from a[5] use

kval zkr iastart+5

....and to read from c[7][3] use

kval zkr icstart+7*8+3

You have to multiply the 1st index -7- by the second dimension -8- and add
the 2nd index -3-

Now for the fearless, a 3 dimension array:
;float c[16][8][4];
(you have to set asside a 16*8*4 block in zak-space)

;reading from c[1][2][3]

kval zkr icstart+1*(8*4)+2*(4)+3

And so on...
(Note that this all assumes arrays starting at zero)

Finally the whole thing (I need to know the c array size, so assuming float


ka zkr iastart+ki
kb zkr ibstart+kndx

zkw ka*kb, icstart+ki*16+kj

if (kj<15) kgoto loop2
if (ki<15) kgoto loop1

(dis was just off the top of my head, hope I didnt miss any bugs)

>where the a[],b[] and c[][] are previosly declared as float.

there's only floats in csound

>How can I declare the variables and perform the task if a,b,c are
>at  i_time?

use i-variables, igoto and zir/ziw

I do this kind of things 'ad nauseum' in my neural nets (the perceptron, the 

back-prop morpher and the recurrent FIR network - this last one has
4-dimension arrays), and wavelet stuff. Its a drag, and must be debugged
thoroughly. I dont know how hard this array thing would be to implement, and 

how useful it would be except for my useless designs