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Re: [Fwd: Generating scores]

Date1999-09-22 06:11
FromRoss Bencina
SubjectRe: [Fwd: Generating scores]
>Can others on the list discuss how they do the score generation?

I've used a number of different approaches... I used to use Tcl and I know a
bit of Python, but at the moment I'm using Macromedia Director for work so
it's the obvious choice. In a recent piece I generated a tab delimited text
file from a genetic algorithm implemented in C++  and used Director to
process it into a score - you could do the same thing with tcl, perl or
python, etc. The Director code did things like changing tempos / durations
and interpolating parameters over time, and interpreting the C++ output into
a set of i statements.

I think scripting languages are invaluable for this kind of work... they
give you instant turnaround. Often the musical ideas that I script are
specific to a certain piece, so the code is throaway... no need for it to be
clean or efficient.

A while ago I also wrote CurveControl in C, which is a tendency mask editor
for shaping stochastic event distributions over time.. it generated Csound
scores. You could write the same thing in Tcl/Tk etc Having a GUI for
editing certain types of data can be nice if you have the time/inclination
to develop it.

Although I havn't done it myself, Micro$oft Excel would be extremely
powerful as it has Visual Basic built in - you could write VB code to
generate scores into tables and process them etc.
