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Previously sent but this time from the correct address

Date1999-05-09 12:20
SubjectPreviously sent but this time from the correct address
Hello. I've just subscribed and it was suggested that I introduce myself re csound ab/usage. I've been using csound for around 3 years now on the pc platform. I've been using the John Fitch version and he has been very helpful in giving me some pointers during my pre-web-access days. Thanks John. I use Csound "as is" because I have no C programming skills.
Most of the stuff I've produced has amounted to a catalogue of fragments awaiting a form but I'm fairly pleased with a body of work which is available from me on cd if your interested. Contact my "distributor" - William Edmondes at will@unsoundauto.demon.co.uk for info. The cd includes my first 'serious' piece called "oboe 1997" which features Thomas Davey on oboe and is essentially a transfiguration of recordings made from a score written originally for flute. Three more recent works precede this on the disc and are probably more characteristic of where my head is at the moment.
My web site, which is lacking sound at the moment, can be found at http://www.simulacrum.freeserve.co.uk
Many thanks,