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Re: Composing with detailed parameters

Date1998-04-28 17:26
SubjectRe: Composing with detailed parameters
>Michael Gogins wrote :
>>MY music is DEFINITELY represented in physical values such as Hz, location
>>in space by angle, phase, and loudness in dB.

1 !dea dzat konta!nz 2 man+e m!nute yet klosel+e relatd partz
2 man+e relat!onz w!th!n relat!onz kannot b projektd !n2 d!skurs!v form.

muzt pr!nc!pall+e b aware ov wast!ng t!me !n such kasez by proceed!ng at random
+ unmethod!kall+e; 4 even though dze solut!on kan often b found w!thout method
+ by luck+e humanz somt!mz qu!kr - yet such procedure = l!kel+e 2 enfeeble
dze fakult!ez + 2 make peopl akkustomed 2 dze tr!fl!ng + dze ch!ld!sh = krude
dze oLd sekuent!al mode ov thought = csound

error !z dze mark ov dze h!gher organ!zm.
l!sten!ng 2 data.

by way ov d!alogue  wh!ch - as not be!ng bound up !n r!g!d observansz ov
mathemat!kl laws
 g!vz plasz altzo 2 d!gress!ons dzat = zomt!mz no lesz kur!ous dzen dze
pr!nc!pl argument

4 50 yearz humanz hav b!n trying 2teach elektron!k c!rku!tz 2 procesz
!n dze same way humanz alwayz hav.

kepler was suksesful bkauz he d!d not konstra!n dze form ov dze answer.
arrang!ng data 1zt one way dzen an other totall+e un!nh!b!td.

2 descartes as 2 newton kepler.z approach was not thought at all. !t waz
zomth!ng !nfer!or 2 thought zomth!ng down at  dze level ov mere guess!ng.
onl+e at dze end ov dze 20th century !z !t bkom!ng klear dzat kepler.z
method = > useful than thought. !t kan go where thought al+1 kannot.

!t = 2 destro! dze tendenss+e 2wardz klass!kl + neoklass!kl eku!l!br!um + 2
1 new d!seku!l!br!um - 2 engage !n dze procesz ov kreat!v deztrukt!on
- dzat = dze role ass!gned 2 dze !nnovatorz !n dze b!t soc!et+e.

b!t evolut!on w!ll kom s!lentl+e - !n zoftkode.

>I abhor MIDI for it's obvious stupidity /crudeness

detailed parameters = stupidity /crudeness = human thought

>and I'm curious about
>how others have fared in
>composing with detailed parameters in floats,etc. and using what
