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Re: Composing with detailed parameters

Date1998-04-28 16:09
FromDave Phillips
SubjectRe: Composing with detailed parameters
Drew Skyfyre wrote:

> I abhor MIDI for it's obvious stupidity /crudeness...

Gee, you guys are making me feel badly about all the good music I wrote
using MIDI sequencers and synths... ;)

Lighten up on MIDI, fellows: I've yet to meet with a "stupid" or "crude"
musical instrument/technology. Is a didjeridoo crude ? Is a wood-block
stupid ? OTOH, I've certainly heard (and probably written) my share of
stupid and crude music...

Attempting to use the wrong tool for the job hardly defines the tool as
stupid & crude. It does say something about the user though...

Also, most of the critique leveled here at MIDI is just rehashing Dick
Moore's screed published long ago in the CMJ.

Just a couple o' pesetas from the hinterlands...

== Dave Phillips
