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Re: linux csound midi part2

Date1999-01-09 20:50
FromDave Phillips
SubjectRe: linux csound midi part2
Rusty Wickell wrote:

> I was using the command line:
> csound -obach59.aif -A -Fbach59.mid bach59.orc bach59.sco
> the files are at:
> ftp.maths.bath.ac.uk/pub/dream/platform/unix/orchestras+scores/midi/
> I tried it also with the fugue2.xxx and waveshap.xxx with the above
> command line.

Okay, I've tested it on three versions, here's what I can determine.
First, 3.48 has problems with it that I haven't narrowed down. The
current (3.494) Bath CSLinux works, as does the development version
( 'inh' is a defined opcode now, so you'll want to change it
to something 'inumh'. Also, I altered every 'out asigt' to 'out
asigt*.25' to avoid clipping. Finally, I used -W and -A, either works.

I have a suspicion about what's wrong with 3.48, but I need to test
more. Right now I'm dealing with frozen cars, so I'll be a while before
getting down to some serious non-automobile-related debugging...

== Dave Phillips
