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Re: HPKComposer setup

Date1998-10-15 09:53
SubjectRe: HPKComposer setup
I give up!!!!
can't do it
don't get it!

class not found: commonview.csound application

dont get it been trying for days!

I know it's an easy solution.

Lemoine Jean-Pierre wrote:

> HPKcomposer setup isn't easy. I am building a new version with new features
> that will be delivered when the jdk 1.2 will be available ans setup should
> be easier. Now, back to the current version. First of all, it is running on
> w95, w98, nt 4.0 and Linux. If HPKComposer isn't running, it's generally
> because of a Java classpath problem.
> JDK 1.1.6 or JRE 1.1.6 must be installed on your PC. So far, I don't think
> jdk 1.1.7 as a problem, but I haven't tested it. Then the current version
> that is on the server requires Swing 1.1 beta3, other levels won't work.
> Here is how to setup without the Java Media Framework installed and used.
> JDK installed in the directory c:\jdk1.1.6
> Swing 1.1 beta3 in the directory c:\java\swing-1.1beta3
> HPKComposer installed in the directory c:\hpkc
> The classpath must be
> ".;c:\jdk1.1.6\lib\classes.zip;c:\java\swing-1.1beta3\swingall.jar;c:\hpkc\hpkc.jar"
> JRE  installed
> Swing 1.1 beta3 in the directory c:\java\swing-1.1beta3
> HPKComposer installed in the directory c:\hpkc
> The classpath must be
> ".;c:\java\swing-1.1beta3\swingall.jar;c:\hpkc\hpkc.jar"
> The classpath is case sensitive. It's very important to respect the case.
> In fact, some information in the classpath are redondant. If the JDK has
> been correctly installed, you don't need to specify classes.zip.
> Thus the following classpath works in every case:
> ".;c:\java\swing-1.1beta3\swingall.jar;c:\hpkc\hpkc.jar"
> Error message  "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>                         javax/swing/UIManager
>             at commonView.CSoundApplication.main(CSoundApplication.java)"
> The swingall.jar isn't in the classpath or the level of Swing isn't 1.1
> beta3