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Re: 24 bit Csound: Letting the cat out of the bag...

Date1998-11-13 21:43
FromRichard Dobson
SubjectRe: 24 bit Csound: Letting the cat out of the bag...
Since you raise the poiint, a quick plug: the CDP system also supports
floating-point files, in both WAV and AIFF, including (PC only) utility
programs for recording and playback. There will be new information about
this shortly, on our website:

One aspect of 24/32bit files is that those who are really concerned
about the ultimate audio quality will want their final files dithered
down to 16/20 bits or whichever. I have found one freeware dither
application on the net, but it does not(yet?) know about Type 3 floatsam
files, only 24bit PCM. Does anyone have a dither or noise-shaping
algorithm they fancy donating to Csound?

I suppose this might involve adding yet another flag to the Csound
commandline - but just think of the possibilites if Csound adopts

Richard Dobson 

Michael Gogins wrote:

> Float WAV soundfiles are a Microsoft
> standard and can be played by Cool Edit Pro, and perhaps other software.
> I highly recommend doing all Csound work with float soundfiles until the
> very last step, mastering. Particularly if you do any mixing or remixing of
> soundfiles, you will find the sound significantly better this way.