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Re: The Book,"Computer Music in C" Where! How!

Date1999-03-08 05:52
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: The Book,"Computer Music in C" Where! How!
This book is not about synthesis. It is about algorithmic composition. It is
a pretty good cookbook of recipes for the original, random variable based,
atonal style of algorithmic composition. For sound synthesis, I recommend
Dodge and Jerse, Computer Music 2nd edition, or the old standby Moore,
Elements of Computer Music.

-----Original Message-----
To: Csound Q&A list 
Date: Sunday, March 07, 1999 9:53 PM
Subject: The Book,"Computer Music in C" Where! How!

>    I have seen many a reference made to a book called "Computer music
>in C", but I have never been able to get a copy of this book. I've
>searched amazon & Barnes and Noble + all over the web. Is this the only
>book that tells how to work with raw C code and create sounds?
>Anybody have it or read it, is it worth tracking down?
>What are other books I may have a little easier time getting a hold of,
>involving sound generation straight from the heart of the ol' machine?
> Or using C++, Java?? etc?
>Is Java even powerful enough to handle "raw" sound generation?
>GOD! I am so frustrated trying to track down the info I need to build
>the software synth of the millenium! HELP ME....HELP