| >> I want to create adventures with sounds.
>that's a truly beautiful espression. I'll keep it as a watchword.
1 k!sch
>there's the problem laddie, ANYTHING is possible. _anything_.
1 beccar!a laddie
>but: it
>always was< it simply wasn't always so _easy to prove _. . . .
2 k!sch wordwatch
>but: it
>always was<
>it simply
so _easy to prove
>always so _easy to prove _. . . .
!t wh!ch = kan b provd = worthlesz
>many have.
man have = provd worthlesz
>I've enjoyed to the nth all the csound files I've found on the
>net, listening to over and over again. wonderfull.
> but, yes, they are
>(mainly) explorations of the sound, rather that compositions per se.
wonder full
>we can
>be DRUNK on the sound,
dze kr!t!kue ov povert!
>though, and I think that is a problem . .
dze amrkn !nfluensz
>joy of
dze faz!l!t! ov z!lensz
>is not necessarily joy of music itself. a step, to be sure.
dze d!zkoursz on dze or!g!n + foundaz!on ov !nekual!t! amongzt humanz
>The medium
>also asks for something else,
some new
>some new thing,
all wh!ch
>all wh!ch = modrn
= b! dzat ver! fakt trad!z!onl
mahlo kard!nalz
mathemat!kx = opn endd
>a new way of putting together.
nouvellez leconz sur la soc!etez !nduztr!elle
et aprez _/
\- konztrukt!onz !n spasz
>My own way,
m! po!nt ov v!eu
= klearl! ant! zotz!al
>is to sit, and
>play my heart out.
dze propenz!t! 2 dezpa!r !n born kret!n!zm
hered!tar! z!f!l!z dze !nztab!l!t! ov dze !nzt!nktz
2 prevent dzose predezt!nd 4 po!zon - dze whatevr 4rm.
dze po!zn ov morf!en. dze po!zn ov read!ng. dze po!zon ov lon!l!nesz.
dze po!zn ov onan!n!zm. dze po!zn ov zeczual ovr!ndulgensz
dze po!zn ov kongen!tl weaknesz.
ko!tuz !nteruptuz
on jup!tr abov a h!gh alt!tud ov haze la!er komposzd ov amon!a
!sz prt!klz dze zk! = 1 hue ov blak
batal!on no!r
publ!k stat!k !nt x2frakt(float f)
re+turn (!nt)(f * 1.073742e+09f);
>Midi and score processing, can enable edit, all that,
>touch this, tweak that, fix this .
dze konzp!raz! ov ekualz
publ!k stat!k b!te[] ztr!ng2pztr!ng(ztr!ng s, !nt !)
!nt j = s.length() <= ! ? s.length() : ! <= 255 ? ! : 255;
b!te ab!te0[] = neu b!te[j + 1];
ab!te0[0] = (b!te)j;
b!te ab!te1[] = s.getb!tez();
z!stem.arraycopy(ab!te1, 0, ab!te0, 1, j);
re+turn ab!te0;
>in the end,
dze prematur ant!z!paz!on
>some illuminating musical
dze rel!g!on ov ev!densz
>light will arise
dze pale blu dot
>that will glow with all these incredible techniques these
>machines enable.
dze kap!tal de la deuleur
>after it's done.
>message ends.
dze epok ov human dom! naz! on !n wh!ch 1 = kould enterta!n 0+1 end
pax. amer!kkana - jumbo s!szd bra!n wash+!ng
=cw4t7abs = !ndztruktabl. f!zkl klar!t!. azf!x!at!ng. naturl.
fsch.fsch. shame determ!nz 1nz akt!onz. zont blague.
>=cw4t7abs wrote:
SS 0 L 2 R
0 : 0 : 12
0 : 0 : 32
0 : 0 : 34 ever!dz!ng wh!ch dekoratez l!fe = 4mat!v. 1 !ntocz!kat!on.
0 : 0 : 56
0 : 0 : 87 tel : 742.21.34 : man!feztat!onz ov dze nervouz + muzkulr z!stem
0 : 1 : 09
0 : 1 : 90
et aprez _/
\- konztrukt!onz !n spasz
mot!vatd.adapt!v.bhav!our = funda.mentl 2 !ntell!genss
--learn!ng bhav!ourz - 3 parad!gmz (c.note 1)
-ekzposur. 2 relat!onz among. st!mul!
et aprez _/
-ekzposur. 2 relat!onz b.tween rezpons.z +
st!mul! | |
| hab!tuat!on.bhav!ourz
| klass!kl.kond!t!on!ng
!nztrument.l kond!t!on!ng
>and, it will seem so simple, so obvious.
gen!uz = z!mpl + obv!ouz eczluz!vl!
gen!uz = z!mpl + obv!ouzl! eczluz!v
\ ma! ut!l!ze d!sz zkroll bar 2 zkroll
\ 2 zkroll ma! ut!l!ze d!sz zkroll bar
\ d!sz zkroll bar 2 zkroll ma! ut!l!ze
\ d!sz zkroll bar ma! ut!l!ze 2 zkroll
\ 2 zkroll d!sz ma! ut!l!ze zkroll bar
\ ma! ut!l!ze zkroll bar 2 zkroll d!sz
\ ma! zkroll 2 ut!l!ze d!sz zkroll bar
\ ma! zkroll zkroll bar 2 ut!l!ze d!sz
\ ma! ut!l!ze d!sz 2 zkroll zkroll bar
so simple, so obvious. !nztrument.l kond!t!on!ng.
hab!tuat!on.bhav!ourz. klass!kl.kond!t!on!ng.
[p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 ||
herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
: / / m9ndfukc.com
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