| -----Original Message-----
From: Richard Dobson
To: Jim Stevenson Ph.D
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk ; jims@eos.arc.nasa.gov
Date: 30. mars 1998 16:00
Subject: Re: How do you play four channels?
>If you mean cards which support a four-channel data stream, that's the
>whole point - there don't seem to be any. I am expecting the Analog card
>to do just that very soon; but of course that is not a commercial
>soundcard as such, until a manufacturer takes it up.
>On the other hand, there is now a wide range of 'multi-device' cards,
>where 1 device = stereo - the Event range, Emagic Audiowerk, Terratec
>EWS, etc. You will need to refer to their web sites for specs. In many
>cases, the only thing preventing these cards handling 4-channel data is
>the lack of support in the driver, because it has never ocurred to the
>developer to provide it.
The question is , can a standard windows sound-driver be 4-channel?
If not you either must have a 4-channel board with two pair of drivers with
2 channels each (can csound handle 2 soundcards?), or change csound to
directly use the card.
I have a Digidesign AudimediaIII card ( 2 analog + 2 digital out ), Cubase
Audio uses it with
special drivers, not standard windows.
I tried to record to a 4 channel wav-file from csound, and then split it
into 2 stereo or 4 mono for use with Cubase Audio or the Session program
that came with the board but I didn't have any program that
could understand 4-channel wav-files. But in theory it should be possible.
>Cards will operate in any computer system into which they can be fitted
>- IF drivers are available. DOS, yes, in some cases, to support games;
>linux - almost certainly not, unless some independent party develops one
>(unless anyone knows otherwise?). FM chips - depends; the Terratec has
>one, the Event ones, as far as I can tell, don't. Any cards which claim
>to be 'SoundBlaster compatible' or 'games compatible' should have one.
>Jim Stevenson Ph.D wrote:
>> I would appreciate a list of 4 chanel cards with some specs.
>> Will they operate under dos or linux?
>> Do any have fm synth chips?
>> Thanks.