| Grant-
diskin appears to change the rules depending on kpitch. If kpitch is static
such as:
kpitch init 1 ;play at normal speed and pitch
kpitch init 2 ;play at twice as fast, octave higher
then, iwraparound works as expected.
But if kpitch is a moving value, such as:
kpitch line 1, p3, 2
then iwraparound seems to have no effect. The soundfile is looped until the
end of the note.
I don't know if this is broken, or if it must work this way for some reason
- the manual isn't too clear on this point. Anyway, you might be better off
using GEN01 and a table or oscil opcode, especially if you are accessing the
sound several times in the score. A .2 sec soundfile isn't that large and
diskin is intended for large soundfiles.
Hope this helps.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Grant Covell [mailto:GCovell@c-bridge.com]
> Sent: Monday, January 11, 1999 12:30 PM
> To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
> Subject: RE: diskin question
> I gather no one uses diskin?
> Again, I'm finding that
> a1, a2 diskin ifilcod, kpitch, 0, 1
> and
> a1, a2 diskin ifilcod, kpitch, 0, 0
> do exactly the same thing, that as cycle through ifilcod continuously.
> Am I misunderstanding wraparound?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Grant Covell [mailto:GCovell@c-bridge.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 1999 8:08 PM
> To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
> Subject: diskin question
> Hello--
> I've got an instrument with this line in it:
> a1, a2 diskin ifilcod, kpitch, 0 ,1
> and it behaves the same whether or not I set wraparound to 0
> or 1. That is,
> the souce file is read repeatedly, not just once (the source
> is .2 sec, the
> p3 is 4 sec). Yes, I'll probably use GEN01 instead for the
> same effect, but
> I want to keep as much of the instrument as possible in the sco.
> Grant Covell
> gcovell@c-bridge.com |