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Starting Csound sound...

Date1999-09-06 17:29
SubjectStarting Csound sound...
Ever get tired of opening an editor buffer and starting:

sr = 44100
kr = .....

Blah blah blah.
Takes minutes before you get your first beep out of Csound.
I finally wrote a little script that automates the tedious part.
I call it 'cs' and put it in /usr/local/script.  You give it
an argument which is the name of a directory that it will create.
It puts a basic orc and sco inside with a Makefile that will generate
a beep.

So if you have a quick idea to try out with csound, it is very fast
to just go:
	cs foo

and then go into foo and tweek the vanilla orc and sco.

####################### CUT HERE #############################

mkdir $1
cd $1

cat << END > orc
sr      =       44100
kr      =       4410
ksmps   =       10
nchnls  =       1

gasig   init    0

instr 1

        ;***** INITIALIZE *****

        imvol   init    1

        ibegin  init    p2
        idur    init    p3
        ivol    init    p4
        ipitch  init    p5

        ifront  init    .1
        iback   init    idur - ifront

        ;***** INSTRUMENT *****

        aenv    linseg  0, ifront, 1, iback, 0
        asig    oscil   ivol, ipitch, 1

        asig    =       asig * aenv * imvol
        gasig   =       gasig + asig


instr 99
        irevamt init    .1
        ihidec  init    .5

        arev    reverb2 gasig, 10, ihidec

        asig    =       gasig * (1 - irevamt) + arev * irevamt

                out     asig
                gasig   = 0


cat << END2 > Makefile
OUTFILE = \$\$SFDIR/test
#OUTFILE = dac
CSFLAGS = -R -W -d -o \$(OUTFILE)

\$(OUTFILE) : orc sco
        csound \$(CSFLAGS) orc sco


cat << END3 > sco
f1 0 65536 10 1 .8 .6 .4 .2 .1
i1 0 3 10000 440
i99 0 4