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(CSound) newbie with Questions

Date1998-05-16 18:01
Fromjohn Weeks
Subject(CSound) newbie with Questions
Greetings and Salutations,
My name is john Weeks.
I was recently working on a project trying to attach fractal graphics to 
musical compositions.  A professor told me to look into CSound.
I have downloaded and read about half of the CSound manual.
I'm on a 166pentium PC operating with Win95.
I've downloaded "Csound95" and Csounder.
I've got what may be an insane notion that Orchestra files can be 
compiled in a program that utilizes the values sent from a fractal 
iteration.  I primarily code in C or C++.

My questions are:
1.  Is there anything else that I need to start experimenting with 
     There are quite a few "players" out there, what might be the best 

2.  In your experience is an "Orchestra creator" utilizing fractals a 
possibility or a fools errand?

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