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[ANNOUNCE] DirectCsound 2.6 available

Date1999-02-01 11:26
FromGabriel Maldonado
Subject[ANNOUNCE] DirectCsound 2.6 available
Hi all,
the 2.6 version is now available on my site for download:


these are the new features:

1) new score opcodes: { } (nested loops), F (score table creation)

2) new score macro arithmetic operators: T (score table access), R (random numbers), ^
(power), % (modulus)

3) Nested macros. The syntax of macros with arguments has changed a bit: now comma
character must be used in order to separate arguments instead of '#' character .

4) During each csound session a file named orc.srt containing orchestra macro expansions
is created, in order to find bugs when using macros.

5) New orc opcodes: resony

6) some bugs fixed

7) synchronized with 3.51 canonical version


Gabriel Maldonado
