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Granule documentation question

Date1998-08-22 19:07
FromJamie Bullock
SubjectGranule documentation question
I'm sure this is a really obvious question and I'm going to kick myself when
I find the answer, but where do the values for ipitch1-4 come from in the
example provided with the 'granule' documentation? The helpfile I have gives
1.42 for a
fifth up and .29 for a 7th down.
Surely it should be around 1.5 for a fifth up (equal tempered would be about
1.49). 1.42 gives roughly a diminished fifth (I think my ears confirm
this!). .29 as a value for a 7th down is even more puzzling, the
documentation implies that .9 would give an octave down (surely .5 is an
octave down), and what kind of seventh, major or minor?

Yours confusedly,
