| Fellow Csounders-
There have been a lot of questions and discussion about an updated manual on
this list recently, so I thought I would make the following offer.
Over the last several months, I have been putting together a version of the
manual, originally for my own use, suitable for printing. I finished it (as
much as anything in Csound ever is)just recently. It is current, to the best
of my belief, through Csound version 3.485. I fully expect this to be
replaced and superceded by the Csound book/CD-ROM when they come out, but
that could be another 3 or 4 months, so in the meantime, some may find this
It is in Adobe Acrobat format(.pdf) so it can be printed, or live on your
hard drive where it can be searched with the Acrobat Reader. Although is not
(yet) on an ftp site, I am willing send it to those who feel they need it.
Be aware these files are big. If you are interested, please read the
information below (from the read_1st.txt file), then contact me (off-list,
please) at dboothe@lyrick.com. I had originally thought to make updates
available, but, those plans are subject to review pending the release of the
book and CD-ROMS(s).
For those not interested - my apologies for the long post.
Purpose and Scope----------------------------------------------------
Often, it is handy to have a manual in book form. The goal of these files is
to provide such a manual for Csound, with emphasis on uniform, clear, and
easy to use layout and format. In addition, the arrangement is designed to
allow for easy updates and additions.
To this end the following features have been incorporated:
- Hierarchical headings used for organization.
Allows for an extensive, logical table of contents.
- Page numbering in -chapter:page- format.
Allows updates or additions to be made on a page by page basis.
Eliminates the need to reprint the entire manual with every update.
- Alphabetical "Opcode Finder" included as an "index"
- Two volumes: Manual (for programming reference)
Supplement (Tutorials and miscellaneous or
archival information)
-Separate files for single-sided or double-sided printing,
depending on user's preference.
File Format----------------------------------------------------------
The files are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. This format was chosen for its
cross-platform portability. You can download a free reader for your platform
Please register your reader with Adobe.
Printing Procedure---------------------------------------------------
The following files should be downloaded and printed if you want single
sided printing:
- Manual.pdf Csound reference manual, complete.
.pdf file contains bookmarks for chapters.
- Spplmnt.pdf Complete supplement containing tutorials
and archived, outdated information.
If you prefer double-sided printing, download and print the following files:
- Manual1.pdf Csound reference manual, odd numbered pages.
- Manual2.pdf Csound reference manual, even numbered pages to be
printed on the back side of the Manual1.pdf pages.
- Spplmnt1.pdf Csound manual supplement, odd numbered pages.
- Spplmnt2.pdf Csound manual supplement, even numbered pages to be
printed on the back side of the Spplmnt1.pdf pages.
File sizes are:
- Manual.pdf 887 kb
- Spplmnt.pdf 185 kb
- Manual1.pdf 395 kb
- Manual2.pdf 368 kb
- Spplmnt1.pdf 81 kb
- Spplmnt2.pdf 67 kb
Update Procedure-----------------------------------------------------
I plan to update this manual with each major update of the Csound program.
Although the documentation contained in the manual is as generic as
possible, please be aware of any platform-specific variations in the version
of Csound you are using.
Updated pages only will be made available in .pdf file(s) separate from the
complete manual. By printing the appropriate update file(s), then inserting
or replacing the individual pages into your pre-existing manual, you will
have an up-to-date manual.
Please send any corrections or omissions me at dboothe@lyrick.com.
David M. Boothe
Lyrick Studios
Dallas, Texas USA |