-----Original Message-----
From: Eli Brandt
To: Csound mailing list
Date: 29 April 1998 01:12
Subject: Re: More on floats in Midi
>Nathan Day wrote:
>> sounds beat when separated by less than .2 cents, but do you really want
>> specify that their pitches are 10537.6317 cents and 10537.6434 cents or
>> that one is 0.0117 cents sharp to the other.
>Actually I'd prefer it in hertz, but yes I do; my large-scale
>structure may depend on the phase relationships among oscillators.
>This particular list has probably seen enough discussion of MIDI, so
>I'll hold off on your other points -- the price of bandwidth and the
>proper layering of abstraction. Just be careful what you trade off as
>"obviously of no use", ok? :-)
This is a very good point. Let's not be typically 'short-termist' about
this: if a new protocol is going to be produced, let's make it as flexible
and open-ended as possible. We need to think long term, and not under-design
so that we don't end up redesigning the protocol every 5 years!
Having said that, I'm a composer not a programmer, and don't want to stick
my neck out too far - I couldn't possibly begin to appreciate some of the
technical considerations.