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Re: New Opcodes

Date1999-02-18 22:17
FromJosep M Comajuncosas
SubjectRe: New Opcodes
I would encourage you to go on implementing more opcodes like these to
What about a 4th order Runge-Kutta integrator to solve some dynamical
a Newton-Rhapson iteration scheme, a sign(x) operation, a new version of
the usual filters (tone,atone...) with an additional output parameter
the phase delay for fine tuning a waveguide loop filter? An opcode to
into a given position inside a delay line, a general filter design
filter2 recoded to allow k-rate change of the coefficients and better
precission, the ability to read MIDI files in format 1, a generator
based on a
n-degree Markov chain receiving its parameters form f-tables? Maybe an
opcode to read/write from/to a bitmap file into an array of f-tables, or
maybe an adsyn file like in Silence, or an opcode to work with soundfont
bancks (prepare a multilayered multisample is too tedious now...)
 Lots of ideas...

Josep M Comajuncosas

Hans Mikelson wrote:

> Hi,
> I put source for some new opcodes at
> http://www.werewolf.net/~hljmm/csound/opcodes/
