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Re: Piano sound characteristics

Date1999-07-15 21:07
FromTorsten Anders
SubjectRe: Piano sound characteristics

have a look at clm, a sound synthesis language translating common lisp to c.
There is a very well piano programmed by Scott van Duyne. It is not only
velocity sensitive, but also you can tune the strike point, the string
stiffness, add as more sustain pedal as you want and really much more. Some
short texts on it I found in the proceedings of the ICMC, but I'm sure there
will be more.

BTW: I like clm because of it's possibility to normalize automatically a
rendered sound after processing. I miss such a feature in csound: is that in
csound possible too?


 On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 you wrote:
>I want to know as much there is on  piano sound characteristics. I am
>trying to emulate piano or pianolike sounds in CSOUND.
>Which formants are there in play?
>Do they alter when you increase velocity and or playing from low to
>What does exactly change in the spectrum when velocity is increased?
>How does the sound evolve over time when looking at the spectrum ,
>attackfase release?
>Sure there are more characteristics when trying to emulate ... wich?
>Is there software for investigating formants?
>Many thanks in advance!!