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Date1999-01-11 19:36
FromJosh Steiner
This is my first post to this list.  I am Computer Science student at
Antioch college graduating this spring.  I am also a musician and compose
several diferent styles of music, including Ska and Punk, but most
important to this posting is Jungle/Drum'n'bass.  I am planning on
designing a couple of software tools to be used by my Jungle group
(http://xiphoidprocess.com) for live performance.  Essentially I have a
couple ideas of how I could produce inhuman sounding highly fast and
intense drum beats live while leaving the musician with a great deal of
control.  To make a long story short, I'll be developing the front end gui
on linux using gtk+, the user will interact with my gui which will send
information to the toolkit that I am now trying to chose. My brother
recomended me to Csound.  The little reading that I have done about csound
leads me to beleive that you can interact with csound in real time sending
score information via stdin.  Does anyone have any experience with this?

Is Csound a good choice for this type of project?  What others might you 

I appriciate any and all advice.

Joshua W. H. Steiner - jsteiner@antioch-college.edu - http://joschi.base.org

"Either that wallpaper goes or I do."
  - Oscar Wilde, last words