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CEMI 35th Anniversary Celebration

Date1998-10-27 16:25
FromJon Christopher Nelson
SubjectCEMI 35th Anniversary Celebration
CEMI (Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia) at the University of North
Texas celebrates its 35th anniversary with six concerts of works by CEMI alumni
and associates.  We are also pleased to announce the release of our new CD,
CEMIsonics, the Threshold of Sound, released on Centaur's CDCM series volume

If you are in the area, please join us for these events!

with warmest regards,
Jon Christopher Nelson, Director
CEMI: Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia

Monday, Nov. 9, 5:00 PM, MEIT Theater:
Merrill Ellis                The Queen Is Dead
Sever Tipei                  CEMI-folds #1
David Anderson               Six Big Ones
Sever Tipei                  CEMI-folds #2
Stan Evans                   Are
Mikel Kuehn                  Music Through Prisms
Sever Tipei                  CEMI-folds #3
Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner      Utterance
Hideko Kawamoto              La difficulte d'etre

Monday, Nov. 9, 8:00 PM, MEIT Theater:
Phil Winsor                  Abe and Andy Along the Potomac
Bruce Balentine              Masai Eucharist
Jason Gutierrez              Canyon
Christopher Morgan           Graphomania 823
Elainie Lillios              Arturo
Kelly Wood                   Small Places
Joseph Klein                 Leviathan (after W.S. Merwin)

Monday, Nov. 9, 10:00 PM, College of Music Green Room:
CD Release Party
CEMIsonics: The Threshold of Sound
CDCM vol. 27

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 5:00 PM, MEIT Theater:
Jerry Hunt                   Fluud
Douglas Holmes               Stud 2011
David Bradfield              The Thoughts of our Hearts
Stan Gibb                    Flash
Michael Matthews             Music for Ancient Spaces
Lucio Edilberto Cuellar C.   Android
Douglas Scott                Interlude and Fantasy
Jon Henry                    Images of 1936

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 8:00 PM, MEIT Theater:
James and Susan Ogilvy       Morphing
Yu-Chung Tseng               Suite for Tape Alone
James Phelps                 ATALLMIRROR: academix
Tim Crowley                  Saxscape II: Aria and Perpetual Motion
Rodney Waschka II            Singing in Traffic
Michael Thompson             Miniaturiste
Jon Christopher Nelson       Other Terrains

Wednesday, Nov. 11, 8:00 PM, MEIT Theater:
David Heuser            Homage to "Plan 9 from Outer Space" (Part 1 - Paranoia)
Rick Petersen           Odd/Strange/Even Stranger
Larisa Montanaro        Deep Pockets
David Hainsworth        Shady Origins
Howard Fredrics         Screams from Lima
Kristi McGarity         Metadisco
William Rice            The Flowers of Nepenthe
Richard Power           adagio
Tom Lopez               CommEnt

Wednesday, Nov. 11, 10:00 PM, UNT Planetarium:
Larry Austin            Stars
Rob Frank               Zymurgy
Richard Montalto        To Confront An Ancient Night
Jim Piekarski           Caleb's Ramble
Robert Keefe            The Earth is the Circle Which is the Measure of All
Laura Romberg           Hale-Bopp
Thomas Clark            LIGHTFORMS 2: StarSpectra