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Re: Why Windows?

Date1999-04-23 08:30
FromGabriel Maldonado
SubjectRe: Why Windows?
DirectCsound implements 'fout' opcode that can output an audio file of
any number of channels (it is now limited to 800 (!) but can be
increased by means of a recompilation of the sources). Next DirectCsound
version will implement 'fin', that can read audio files with any number
of channels (the complement of 'fout'). DirectCsound is a Windows
version, but these opcodes can be implemented in all platform (if jpff
Gabriel Maldonado


Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> >Show me a sound card that has at least eight channels analog I/O.
> show me a Csound that can read more than eight channels of I/O.
> >One that I can gang together up to 32 channels.
> show me a Csound that can read/write from/to more than one soundcard.