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Re: winsound perf

Date1998-08-25 06:34
FromSean Costello
SubjectRe: winsound perf
jose halac wrote:
> hi...
> Im trying to use winsound on a gateway 2000, windows based system.
> I am using word for orc/sco, and I'm using the toot.orc toot.sco tutorial
> files.

My guess is that MS Word is inserting all sorts of useless MS Junk into
your orchestra and score files.  Try using Notepad for your orchestra
and score editing. There is also a Windows version of Emacs that would
be useful (this is what I use, after finding that Notepad put some
strange characters into some orchestra files).

To change the editor used by Winsound, go into the Windows directory on
your main drive, and open up WINSOUND.INI using Notepad.  Where it says
OrchEdit and ScoreEdit, change those lines to indicate the pathway to
the editor you wish to use.  For example, if you wish to use Notepad,
change these lines to 


This may be a really obvious thing to do, but it took me a while to
figure this out.  Removing Csound and Winsound from the harddrive didn't
solve the problem, as the WINSOUND.INI file isn't located in the Csound

Hope this helps,