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Re: Pentium/Linux csound speed boost

Date1998-07-03 00:23
FromPaul Winkler
SubjectRe: Pentium/Linux csound speed boost
Simon K. wrote:
>Hey... You don't have like a binary of that? (pgcc compiled csound)
>I'm a bit hesitant to install pgcc right now (although there's a nice
>debian package of egcs),  heard there's troubles compiling kernels
>with it etc...

Well, the binary I have is dynamically linked against glibc. If you want 
static/libc5.x, I can try to make one... if dynamic/glibc is fine with 
you, I can just zip it with the compression of your choice (.Z, .zip, 
.gz, .bz2) and pop it in the mail (it's *small*, well under 100K 

>(BTW... re the recent pipe discussion... Thought you might be
>interested in an article (although you solved your problem)
>in the latest CScene, http://cscene.oftheinter.net/ ... called=20
>Pipes in Unix)

Thanks! That's a good resource there.



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