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Date1999-05-06 02:27
FromPatrick Pagano
Hi Folks
I want to add delay to this simple instr
I am honestly at my wits end
can someone please help me add a long decaying reverb or delay so it
really psychedelic
I know you all are probably fed up with me but I am begging

sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2

instr 1;Begin: Untitled1
     kenv1   expon 1000, p3/2, 1000
     ksig4   lfo 1000, 5, 0
     asig2   oscili ksig4, p4*2, 1
     aharm1   harmon asig2, 440, .3, 272, 544, 1, 64, 0.04
     asig3   oscili aharm1, p4, 1
     asig1   pluck kenv1, p4, 448, 1, 1
     amod1   delay asig1, p3*3
     outs asig3,asig2 + amod1
endin    ;Untitled1

f1 0  8192 10  1     ;GEN10 Sine Wave
; p1=Instr  p2:Start  p3:Duration  p4:User
i1              0    10    128
i1              0    10    192
i1              0    10    224
i1              0    10    256
i1              0    10    272
i1              5    10    256
i1              5    10    384
i1              5    10    448
i1              5    10    512
i1              9    10    544
i1              9    10    608
i1              9    10    928
i1              9    10    992
i1              10    5    128
i1              10    5    192
i1              10    5    256
i1              10    5    448
i1              10    5    512
i1              10    5    544
i1              14    5    64
;Pat-the pathetic guy who cannot get delay to work

Date1999-05-06 06:03
FromWayne Freno
SubjectRe: Delay
On Wed, 5 May 1999, Patrick Pagano wrote:

> Hi Folks
> I know you all are probably fed up with me but I am begging

No need to beg!  I am a perpetual beginner too with Csound and
I have found that most people on the list are willing to help
with example code or advice.

> ;Pat-the pathetic guy who cannot get delay to work

There are no stupid questions!  Keep hacking away and
eventually you will have learned a lot!

Wayne Freno
(The guy who also asks a lot of obvious questions.)