| "Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant"
>The diplomatic moves came amid reports that up to 1,000 Serbian soldiers had
>deserted their unit in Kosovo Wednesday after anti-war protests in their home
>The reported mutiny was the most dramatic development in a wave of localized
>unrest among Serbs angry not only at eight weeks of NATO bombing but also at
>President Slobodan Milosevic.
>Local sources in Serbia said that at one gathering a Serb anti-war group
>voiced open sympathy for ethnic Albanians forced from their homes by Serbian
>forces and issued a call for the refugees to be allowed back to Kosovo.
you aren't very intelligent private cow boy.
the `diplomatic moves` are addtl
korporat fascistik kapitalistik imperialistik maneuvers
corresponding to one orchestrated unguent so as to facilitate one
`save your proud to be one cow boy - jankee face component` routine.
you aren't very intelligent private cow parasite.
may wish to relokate back to `tending` the obtuse bovine amalgam.
+ the wretched placard read moo
\+\ ztr!ke aga!nzt dze kulak _||-