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Date1999-07-03 17:20
FromRichard Dobson
SubjectRe: AIF VS WAV
That's available in WAVE too (the 'smpl' chunk with 'sample-loop' data -
defined ca 1993); it's simply a matter of these chunks being used.

Richard Dobson

richard bowers wrote:
> An additional feature of AIFF, I believe, is that you can use loop points in
> the file to extend its duration.
> > What is the differernce between AIFF and WAV? I can personally guess
> > that AIFF can be used as samples in CSOUND rather that WAV because it
> > can change in pitch.
> > Second question: Should I make my sound wave files in AIF then convert
> > to WAV?
> > If I remember right, they sounded better that way.
> > Sherlock
> >

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