| The Csound v3.48 manuals says :
" Sound described by an adsyn control file can also be modified during
The signals kamod, kfmod, ksmod will modify the amplitude, frequency,
and speed of
contributing partials. These are multiplying factors, with kfmod
modifying the cps frequency
and ksmod modifying the speed with which the millisecond bread-point
line-segments are
traversed. Thus .7, 1.5, and 2 will give rise to a softer sound, a
perfect fifth higher, but only
half as long. The values 1,1,1 will leave the sound unmodified. Each of
these inputs can be a control signal. "
This sounds like ALL the sinusoid partials are controlled at the same time
with the same kamod,kfmod and ksmod settings..
Is there a way with "adsyn" to modify the sinusoids apart from each other
with their own kamod, kfmod and ksmod k-rate controllers ??