| Surely this is fundamentally a post-processing issue. 'Normalization', after
all, is usually defined as rescaling of the file as a whole, so that the
existing peak sample value (which might of course be right at the end of the
file) is scaled to just below maximum (or, arguably better, -3dB, which is 70%,
not 90%). So you need a simple 'normalization instrument' taking a single
amplitude pfield, which is the maxamp as reported by Csound for the synthesis
Balance, rms, etc, on the other hand, are designed to do dynamic rescaling (eg
of the results of filtering), block by block. With balance, especially,
modulation side effects have been noted. A post-processing normalization pass
will have no such problems.
One of these days, Csound will be so reentrant that it will become quite usual
to manage this sort of rescaling within a single execution - Csound will
'rewind' at the end of the synthesis pass, reopen the file and do the rescaling.
Richard Dobson
tolve wrote:
> generating a single sound using many FOF's without the use of any existing
> soundfiles. would like the sound i generate to be automatically scaled to
> 90% of 32767 at the end of the process regardless of the amplitude settings
> for the individual FOF's.
> seems like this would be a universally useful tool. figure there must be a
> simple and elegant way to scale without using a control signal (any
> existing soundfile). no?
> tolve
> >Could you repeat the question? Do you want to take an existing soundfile
> >and set the peak value to 90% of 32767? Do you want to take an existing
> >soundfile and scale it to 90% of its present amplitude? Are you generating
> >a sound that you want to envelope-track to an existing soundfile but at 90%
> >of the volume? Could you tell us exactly what it is that you're trying to
> >do?
> >
> >The first two don't require gain or balance. The last one does.
> >
> >At 10:40 AM -0500 8/21/98, tolve wrote:
> >>not exactly a sexy topic here. but please speak slowly and clearly.
> >>
> >>both gain and balance require a control signal. but is there a way to
> >>normalize to 90% without a control signal? or do i input a dummy file that
> >>goes nowhere using soundin. that is to say, a file known to be normalized
> >>to 90% -just to use for comparison?
> >>
> >>tolve
> >
> >
> >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Erik Spjut (pronounce ju as long u or yew) - Associate Professor of
> >Engineering
> >and Associate Director for Engineering Computing, Center for Design
> >Education
> >Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711-5990 USA |