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Date1999-06-22 11:37
Message written at 22 Jun 1999 09:20:56 +0100

Due to a file mix up here the files I released yesterday had an error
in them -- aops.c was an old version, and that failed to fix a bug
mentioned in the ChangeLog file.  So I have just replaced all the 3.55
files for Windows, consolemode and Dos, SGI and Linux, and sources.
Solaris files to follow soon I hope.

Whiel I was at it I had another work over the string database. So it

1: if a -j option is given, use that file; if it does not open stop

2: Look for an environment variable CSSTRNGS and if exists attempt to
open that file.  If OK use it, if fails carry on

3: On Windows only, look for the StringDB entry in the Profile
file/Registry.  If that opens use it.

4: Look for csound.txt in current directory; use if OK, else next step

5: In turn look for csound.txt in the SSDIR, SFDIR and SADIR

6: Lok for /usr/local/lib/csound.txt (really a Unix thing)

If none of those work, give up.  If any works it does report which
database it is using.

Advice on doing this better gratefully received as ever