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[Csnd] DirectCsound 3.031 available

Date1999-11-04 08:35
FromGabriel Maldonado
Subject[Csnd] DirectCsound 3.031 available
wguide1 bug fixed thanks to jpff (never used a-rate mode).
resony now has the optional extra argument isepmode, allowing the user
to choose 
logarithmical or linear separation.

resony manual:
ar  resony   asig, kbf, kbw, inum, ksep [,isepmode , iscl, istor]

A bank of second-order bandpass filters, connected in parallel.

inum - number of filters. 

isepmode - determines if the separation center frequencies of each
filter must be generated in logarithmically (using octave as unit of
measure) or linearly (using Hertz). Default value is 0, corresponding to
logarithmic mode.

iscl - coded scaling factor for resonators. A value of 1 signifies a
peak response factor of 1, i.e. all frequencies other than kcf are
attenuated in accordance with the (normalized) response curve. A value
of 2 raises the response factor so that its overall RMS value equals 1.
(This intended equalization of input and output power assumes all
frequencies are physically present; hence it is most applicable to white
noise.) A zero value signifies no scaling of the signal, leaving that to
some later adjustment (e.g. see balance). The default value is 0. 

istor - initial disposition of internal data space. Since filtering
incorporates a feedback loop of previous output, the initial status of
the storage space used is significant. A zero value will clear the
space; a non-zero value will allow previous information to remain. The
default value is 0.

asig - audio input signal 

kbf - base frequency, i.e. center frequency of lowest filter in Hz 

kbw - bandwidth in Hz 

ksep - separation of the center frequency of filters (in octaves or in
Hertz, depending by isepmode flag)
resony is a bank of second-order bandpass filters, with k-rate variant
frequency separation, base frequency and bandwidth, connected in
parallel (i.e. the resulting signal is a mixing of the output of each
filter). The center frequency of each filter depends of kbf and ksep
variables. The maximum number of filters is set to 100.

In this example the global variable gk1 modifies kbf, gk2 modifies kbw,
gk3 inum, gk4 ksep and gk5 the main volume.

	instr	1
a1	soundin "myfile.aif"
a2	resony	a1,   gk1 , gk2 ,i(gk3),gk4 ,2	
	out	a2 * gk5 

Gabriel Maldonado

