| I had a similar idea to emulate subtle variations of analog equipment. Maybe it
would be nice to define a new set of variables, say ?i,?k,?a variables, which
could have an added (and user definable) amount of thermal noise in them. The
most important think should be the kind of randomness to be applied, and where.
rasmus ekman escribió:
> Ave Csound coders,
> This is to announce my intention to design an opcode which can
> generate subtle performance errors in most other opcodes
> used in the orchestra.
Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75 08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN tel. 93 7792243
e-mail: gelida@intercom.es
ET Informatica de Sistemes
e-mail: jcomajuncosas@campus.uoc.es