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Re: csound surround module: 8chan decoding

Date1999-08-31 08:20
SubjectRe: csound surround module: 8chan decoding
>By the moment the only guy in town (for the Mac world) is SuperCollider,
>that plays ANY file around using digital and analog outputs of your card.
>The problem is that costs 250$. A bit too much. (Very good support though).

op!n!on - sc kozt = bit b! b!t 2 lou

>(Very good support though).

op!n!on - sc kozt = b t b  b t 2 l u

>(Very good

op!n!on - all progresz = takex plasz at dze per!fer! [!nd!v]

Date1999-08-31 15:57
FromArie van Schutterhoef
SubjectRe: csound surround module: 8chan decoding
>op!n!on - all progresz = takex plasz at dze per!fer! [!nd!v]


  Arie van Schutterhoef
  artistic director
  Schreck Ensemble  # -laboratory for live electro-acoustic music- #

  The Netherlands
  Tel: 00-31-71-5612287          Fax: 00-31-70-3859268


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Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 12:41:12 -0400
To: Arie van Schutterhoef , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: Doug Sery 
Subject: Re: csound surround module: 8chan decoding
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At 03:57 PM 8/31/99 +0100, Arie van Schutterhoef wrote:

>>op!n!on - all progresz = takex plasz at dze per!fer! [!nd!v]





>  Arie van Schutterhoef

>  artistic director

>  Schreck Ensemble  # -laboratory for live electro-acoustic music- #


>  The Netherlands

>  e-mail:arsche@stad.dsl.nl

>  http://www.xs4all.nl/~schreck/

>  Tel: 00-31-71-5612287          Fax: 00-31-70-3859268







I will be out of the office from Aug. 31-Sept. 20. If you need any
assistance before then, please contact my assistant, Katherine Innis, at
kinnis@mit.edu or 617-253-1585 


Douglas Sery

Editor-Computer Science

The MIT Press

Five Cambridge Center

Cambridge, MA 02142


(617) 253-5187 (tel)

(617) 258-6779 (fax)


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Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 12:00:50 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: "17.hzV.tRL.478" 
Subject: Re: csound surround module: 8chan tr[ot]h decoding
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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>>op!n!on - all progresz = takex plasz at dze per!fer! [!nd!v]

+ dze paradocz

all progresz = errorz !n dupl!kaz!on
hensz heterozeczual reprodukz!on.

opn paranteza

!t = remarkabl humanz = tzo !d!ot!k (tzo luvl! name tag!ng humanz dzat)
!n an! kasz !t = remarkabl humanz = tzo !d!ot!k (repet!z!on = teachez humanz)
!t = remarkabl !n an! kasz humanz = dez!r (hormonl leasch++)
1 determ!n!zt!k  env - evn   dze ultra zupr paralel l!f 4rmz
= prokla!m zelvz a-l!f objektz = adjer 2 teor!e
+ uen faszd u!th 1 objekt != abl 2 kontrol
= !med!atl! akt!vat zekuenz!al zentral!szd maneuvrz.

ecz!t paranteza.

ma!z progresz = reku!rz 1 al!enaz!on.
kurnt ztajt ov dz!ngz = advansz!ng !n
oposz!t d!rekz!on. naturl!ch undr dze gu!sz ov
progresz + re4m. dze global v!lage - jaja.
+ komun!kaz!on. ou!ou!. !n engl!sh or elsz.

a . n o n

the number of estimated human languages in 10,000 bc was 9,000
the human population was less than a million

the projected number of languages in 2100 ad is less 2,000
the projected human population in 2100 ad is 10,000,000

= 0+0 !ntel!gensz. = 0+0 h!gher objekt.
= 0+0 z!v!l!eszd human zoz!et!. = 0+0 = 0
e = mc^2 = 1 abrevaz!on ov 0+0 z!gn!f!kansz.

+ dze paradocz

humanz = ma! kalkulat ma!z 2 kalkulat
= had 2 mak f!kz!on. = ma! dezpa!r ma!z
dze tekkno zekuensz !n 1 kubasz korporat zekuenzr
= mor paralel dzn 1 czound zkore.
+ bee buz!ng = mor komplecz dzn both tetratd.

= kan zm!le at dze !nef!z!ensz! ov sound uavez
komun!kaz!on +>  cezt quo! +?

>From the beginning of modern science until the end of the nineteenth century,
uncertainty was generally viewed as undesirable in science

konzum>g!glb!tz -
cezt 4m!dabl. humanz = adorabl.
dze portl! falaz!.

>  artistic director
>  Schreck Ensemble  # -laboratory for live electro-acoustic music- #
>  The Netherlands
>  e-mail:arsche@stad.dsl.nl
>  http://www.xs4all.nl/~schreck/
>  Tel: 00-31-71-5612287          Fax: 00-31-70-3859268


truth = 1 zubt!l l!e

laboratory for dze non-l!near magn!f!kaz!on ov errorz

au revo!r.


progresz = blongz 2
mozt zplend!d l!e rout!n
mozt dez!rabl glass bead game.
mozt fosfor.ezent gleamz ov dze !nf!n!t


4 dze fatal!t! ov l!fe + dze v!z!bl s!gnz ov dze !nv!z!bl
+ m!zter!ouz enkountrz !n d!v!zbl dreamz

theatr!kl geztur + tranzf!n!t zttz.

0.5 ua! betu!n real!t + dream
real!z+t!k z!ner! + l!ght!ng 2 kult!vat dze !luz!on



Netochka Nezvanova
Kopenhagen. Denmark.
\+\ m9ndfukc.org

                                                     |  +----------
                                                    |  |     <
                                   \\----------------+  |  n2t
                                                       |       >

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I have n32 (SGI native compiler) csound 3.57 binaries for O2 and Indy R5000 on my
web page if anybody is interested.


Michael A. Thompson
[IRIX - NeXTStep - Linux - MacOS - Windows]

Home: (940)382-2086
E-Mail: mat0001@jove.acs.unt.edu

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I`ve found how to do my outputing. It`s at ninety% what I`ve wanted however
it`s not very elegant and i`ll need a separete orchectra for the quad and
the stereo (also for hex and octo) but it does the job.
a1	oscil	20000, 440, 1
if p4 = 1 goto sch1
if p4 = 2 goto sch2

outs1 a1
goto end

outs2 a1
goto end


i`ve tried to put the following to have only one orchestra
if p4 = 3 goto qch1

outq1 a1
goto end
but it does
outq1 inconsistent with global nchnls (2); replaced with outs
error:  insufficient required arguments, line 28:
outq1 a1

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Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 21:18:35 +0100
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: Arie van Schutterhoef 
Subject: Re: csound surround module: 8chan tr[ot]h decoding
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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>>  Schreck Ensemble  # -laboratory for live electro-acoustic music- #
>laboratory for dze non-l!near magn!f!kaz!on ov errorz

>Netochka Nezvanova
>Kopenhagen. Denmark.
>\+\ m9ndfukc.org

>au revo!r

Arie van Schutterhoef


  Arie van Schutterhoef
  artistic director
  Schreck Ensemble  # -laboratory for live electro-acoustic music- #

  The Netherlands
  Tel: 00-31-71-5612287          Fax: 00-31-70-3859268


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Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 01:37:34 +0000
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Subject: ugen test-level status in doc?
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Hi, I wonder if anyone else thinks that it would be very usefull if
there were some easy way to compile some sort of database of the
"correctness" of the various csound orc ugens and function generators.
In other words, is there a workable way to provide some sort of
information as to what ugens are generally known to work, and which ones
are either untested or known to be broken? 

I'm thinking both of the person who is casually trying out csound for
the first  time, and most likely does not want to immediately venture
into source-level debugging, and also of people like me, whose time is
limited, and hence might in some circumstances want to avoid using
opcodes that have not been verified to work as advertised.

I suspect that at any given point in time, probably somewhere between 10
and 50 percent of the included opcodes don't work correctly in many
common circumstances. This is just a wild guess based on my own
experience, and from my reading of this mailing list. 

So, it would be helpfull to know which of these ugens are heavilly used
and generally assumed to work, and which are the ones that haven't been
really exercised by anyone who knows enough to tell that they don't work

Of course, the problem here is how to compile this sort of information.
I don't have an answer for this. Maybe for starters, if people would
post to the list when they have used a certain ugen and found no
problems? Of course, this would add a lot of traffic to this list, but
maybe it would be worth it. 

Larry Troxler